Category Archives: Lancaster Bail Bonds

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

Over the past ten or fifteen years, vaping has become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this, including the idea that vaping is cleaner, cheaper, and might be a little safer than smoking. The fact that you can get vapes in interesting flavors that simply aren’t possible with traditional cigarettes is another reason so […]

Gambling in California

Gambling in California

When it comes to gambling, California lawmakers want to make sure that they’re involved in it. It’s okay to play state lotteries and to enjoy a night out at the casino. That’s all fine and dandy. What makes California lawmakers grumpy and could result in you facing criminal charges is gambling in the form of: […]

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Child support is always a touchy subject. Often a person’s actual financial situation isn’t taken into consideration when the amount of child support is set. There is also the constant complaint that the child support isn’t going to the child, but rather being used for other purposes. The arguments over child support are often intense […]

Spend Valentine’s Day with your Sweetheart, Not a Cell Mate

Spend Valentine’s Day with your Sweetheart, Not a Cell Mate

If you think you got into trouble for not remembering to pick up a dozen roses for your sweetheart last Valentine’s Day, we guarantee it’s nothing compared to how mad they will be when you spend this Valentine’s Day in jail. It’s the kind of thing you’ll never stop hearing about. While we can’t make […]

California’s Minor in Possession of Alcohol Law

California’s Minor in Possession of Alcohol Law

Teenagers like to do things that they feel make them more adult-like. They also like to experiment with things that make them feel wild and free. This combination prompts many minors to consume alcohol long before they reach their twenty-first birthday. Like most states, California has strict minor in possession laws that deal with the […]

Brake Checking in California

Brake Checking in California

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second […]

Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!

quartz hill bail bonds

Law enforcement agencies throughout the United States have discovered the importance of social media marketing. It’s a great way to stay in touch with the communities they trust, to gain some extra funding, and even get some important leads on open cases. Posting mug shots on social media sites is one of the things some […]

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Everyone has an opinion about the COVID-19 vaccination options. Some people have opted to ignore the entire debate and simply purchase a fake Covid-19 vaccination card. This card “proves” that you were vaccinated against the virus and will therefore be granted admittance to places that only allow vaccinated individuals. If you’re considering purchasing a fake […]

Driving Drunk on Halloween

palmdale bail bonds

We have a tendency of thinking about Halloween as a holiday that is full of good-natured fun. It’s a holiday that allows us to wear crazy costumes, abandon our diets, and really cut loose. The only real risk we usually associate with the holiday is the need to drive carefully during the time frame that […]

Earthquake Safety Tips

quartz hill bailbonds

There are many great reasons to live in California. There’s also one huge drawback. In exchange for easy access to beaches and year-round wonderful weather, you always have to be prepared for an earthquake. The good news is that most of the earthquakes California experiences are really small, little more than slight tremors that give […]