Category Archives: Lancaster Bail Bondsman

The Danger of Fentanyl

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When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a popular and extremely effective method to treat extreme pain. Doctors commonly prescribed it post-surgery, and patients with advanced cancer often used it to help control their pain. When used in a medical setting and under […]

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery in California

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If you think that assault and battery are the same thing, you’re mistaken. In California, assault and battery are two different crimes. The reason so many think they are the same charge is that it’s not uncommon for a person to be simultaneously charged with both, which means they’re linked in police reports and media […]

Jaywalking is Legal Again

lancaster bail bondsman

Did you know that you can legally jaywalk in California? That’s right; you’re free to cross the road whenever you feel like it, even if you’re not in a crosswalk. You can even do so right in front of a police officer, and they won’t be able to stop you or issue a ticket. How […]

Can You Obtain Information About Your California Arrest

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Knowing you should have both  your criminal and arrest records is one thing. Knowing how to acquire these reports is a whole different matter. Since California’s arrest records are a matter of public record, you’re legally allowed access to the information, but to obtain it, you need to know where to go and who to […]

Should You Keep a Copy of Your California Arrest Record

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Main Reasons People Are Arrested in California Most people would like to pretend that they were never arrested and never accused of criminal activity. They hope that if they pretend it never happened, that no one will ever learn about the incident. The understandable desire to put an arrest behind them is why few people […]

How to Handle a Public Intoxication Charge

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Most people assume that as long as they don’t drive after they’ve been drinking, they have nothing to worry about. What they don’t realize is that in California, you can be charged with public intoxication. While it’s perfectly okay to drink in California, while you’re in public, you’re not allowed to drink to a massive […]

Different Ways Social Media can get you Into Legal Trouble

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Social media is supposed to be a fun way to stay connected to your family and friends, and for the most part, that’s exactly what it is. However, as some people have found out, there are a few different ways that social media can cause you to get into some legal trouble. Getting a Too […]

Things to Consider Before Accepting a Plea Agreement

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Very few cases ever make it to trial. In some cases, the charges are dropped, and the whole situation disappears. In most situations, the defendant agrees to a plea agreement. In some cases, the plea agreement is reached shortly after the charges have been formally filed. In other cases, the plea agreement is reached right […]

What Happens if You’re a Ride-Share Driver and are Arrested for DUI in California

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Many of us are looking for additional ways to supplement our income. Ride-Share programs such as Lyft and Uber can be the perfect solution, especially if you’re someone whose full-time job has inconsistent scheduling, which makes it impossible to hold down a traditional part-time job. The benefits connected to becoming a ride-share driver include the […]

4 Ways a Felony Impacts Your Future

lancaster bail bondsman

Getting convicted of a felony isn’t a joking matter. Not only is there a really good chance that you will have to spend at least some time in prison, but it’s likely that a sizable fine will also be attached to your sentence. What really shocks many people is how much a single felony impacts […]