Category Archives: Palmdale Bail Bonds

Shaming Parents Behind on Child Support Payments

what is assembly bill 1498 lancaster bail bonds

Getting a divorce can be a pretty ugly mess, especially when children are involved. Custody battles can be terrible, and can cause rifts between both parents that last a lifetime. However, those differences should be put aside for the sake of the children, no matter which parent they end up with. After all, by having […]

Los Angeles County Redefines Smoking

california smoking defined lancaster bail bonds

In 2016, Californians voted to legalize the recreational usage of marijuana in the state. Since then California residents have been able to use marijuana however they want, within reason. However, this has caused some issues in certain areas as people smoke marijuana where other people would prefer they didn’t. On top of the rise of […]

Could Banning Facial Recognition Become the New Norm?

facial recognition lancaster bail bonds

Today’s modern world has a lot of technology that a one point had simply been considered science fiction. Things such as earbuds, video calls, and mobile phones were just cool, out of this world ideas when they were first depicted in books and movies. Nowadays, they are a part of everyday life for most individuals. […]

People Do What Before Getting Into Public Pools?

public pool health issues lancaster bail bonds

With the weather quickly heating up, many people are starting to pull their swimsuits out from their winter hiding spots. With California’s thousands of miles of coastline, there are plenty of places to go to the beach. However, the beach isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to cool off without having to worry about sand […]

Sharing Your Summer Plans Online Can Be a Bad Idea

social media safety tips

As the weather begins to warm up and chase away the cold winds of winter, people begin to emerge from their hiding places of warmth and safety. Spring allows people to venture outside once again and enjoy some fresh air. The season signals the end of winter and heralds in the warmer months of summer. […]

Parents, Don’t Serve Alcohol at Graduation Parties

consequences for serving alcohol to minors

As summer draws nearer, students of all ages grow more and more antsy. Soon enough, school will let out for the most marvelous break of all, summer vacation. While all students look forward to the end of this school year, one group is more excited than all of the others. This group is, of course, […]

Is It Illegal to Smoke in a Car with Children Present?

smoking in cars with children

Pretty much everyone is aware of the fact that smoking is bad. It can be incredibly damaging to the human body, which is why it causes around 480,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. This is about 1 out of every 5 deaths in the country. This is also more deaths than the […]

Who Is Liable If a Minor Drinks at a Party?

underage drinking laws

From time to time, people get adventurous and decide that they want to throw a party at their home. Maybe they haven’t seen their friends and family members in a while, or they have some big event to celebrate, whatever the reason, they want everyone there. Hosting a party is no easy undertaking. Figuring out […]

Did You Know about These FAA Drone Regulations?

california drone laws

Today, drones are the latest and greatest thing. These small, remote-controlled little vehicles can provide just about anyone with a stunning, bird’s eye view of an area. Some of the imagery captured by drones, whether it be pictures or video footage, is usually quite stunning. This has people racing to get out there and buy […]

Be Careful What You Share Online

safety tips for social media posting

Most people nowadays are in quite a rush to post something on social media after an exciting or infuriating event happens. Everyone is so used to that sharing, that often times, they forget to realize that they might be oversharing. There somethings that are better kept to oneself, and not posted online. Everything that goes […]