Credit card fraud happens when someone uses another person’s credit card to either make unauthorized purchases or to withdraw/transfer funds. There are two main ways that credit card fraud takes place. The first method involves someone either finding or stealing another person’s credit card. Instead of turning it in, the person decides to put the […]
Tag Archives: best bail bonds in Lancaster
Aiding and abetting in California is the act of actively encouraging someone to commit a crime. In some situations, it could be that you did something like provide a weapon, offered to give the suspect a ride, or simply made sure you pushed some key psychological buttons that resulted in a crime. Most people who […]
Identity theft is a serious problem that shows no signs of going away. The FTC reported that identity theft increased by a staggering 45% in 2020. Javelin Strategy announced that in 2021, identity theft was responsible for the loss of approximately 56 billion dollars in the United States. With so many Californians feeling the impact […]
Road rage is a serious problem and it doesn’t show signs of getting better. According to the American Automobile Association, approximately 200 murders and 12,000 deaths over seven years were linked to road rage incidents. The NHTSA reported that 66% of traffic fatalities were the direct result of aggressive driving and road rage. The Zebra […]
It’s that time of year when we are constantly getting bombarded by messages reminding us to not leave kids and pets in hot cars. If you’re one of those people who roll their eyes and question how anyone could forget their child in a hot car you’re not alone. Most people feel the same way, […]
Here at Lancaster Bail Bonds, it’s our belief that no one should have to sit in a jail cell for a moment longer than absolutely necessary. We understand that each minute you’re in a cell, the bleaker your situation feels. We want you to be as comfortable as possible as soon as possible which is […]
California’s Air Pollution Laws Air pollution is a serious concern in California. Information collected by the American Lung Association five of the ten worse cities for air pollution are located in California. KVPR’s Karrie Klien reports that 75% of California’s residents routinely inhale air that’s extremely polluted. The Center of Public Integrity recently revealed that in Southern California, approximately 5,000 deaths […]
There are many reasons you should turn to Lancaster Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current situation. What are Phone Approval Bail Bonds Phone approval bail bonds […]
The bail bond program is a wonderful part of the American justice system. It’s a program that allows you to be released from jail and reunite with your family while you wait for the conclusion of your case. Without the current bail bonds program, there’s a good chance that you would spend months while the […]
If you think you got into trouble for not remembering to pick up a dozen roses for your sweetheart last Valentine’s Day, we guarantee it’s nothing compared to how mad they will be when you spend this Valentine’s Day in jail. It’s the kind of thing you’ll never stop hearing about. While we can’t make […]