Tag Archives: domestic violence bail bonds

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

There are many reasons you should turn to Lancaster Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current situation. What are Phone Approval Bail Bonds Phone approval bail bonds […]

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional support dogs were never intended to take the place of service animals. When the idea of emotional support dogs (and other pets) was first introduced, it was to provide people who suffered from anxiety and loneliness with a companion at home. The term was first coined to help people who needed a pet to […]

Free Consultations with the Best Bail Bond Experts in California

Free Consultations with the Best Bail Bond Experts in California

The bail bond program is a wonderful part of the American justice system. It’s a program that allows you to be released from jail and reunite with your family while you wait for the conclusion of your case. Without the current bail bonds program, there’s a good chance that you would spend months while the […]

Driving Drowsy in California

Driving Drowsy in California

We’ve all done it from time to time. We’ve slipped behind the wheel even though we feel tired. We tell ourselves that it’s okay, that we’re not really all that tired, or that we’re only going a short distance so the fact that we’re practically asleep on our feet doesn’t matter. The truth of the […]

Brake Checking in California

Brake Checking in California

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second […]

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Everyone has an opinion about the COVID-19 vaccination options. Some people have opted to ignore the entire debate and simply purchase a fake Covid-19 vaccination card. This card “proves” that you were vaccinated against the virus and will therefore be granted admittance to places that only allow vaccinated individuals. If you’re considering purchasing a fake […]

Will My California DUI Prevent me From Owning a Firearm?

quartz hill bail bonds

DUIs, especially a DUI that doesn’t involve anyone getting hurt or a significant amount of property damage, generally aren’t considered a felony. That means that if you’ve been convicted of driving while under the influence of either drugs or alcohol and are only convicted of a DUI and not any additional felony-level drug charges, you […]

How to Secure an Emergency Personal Protection Order in California

littlerock bail bonds

If you’re worried that someone is either stalking you or is intent on harming you, it’s in your best interest to approach the California courts and secure an emergency personal protection order (PPO). The purpose of a PPO is to have a legal method of providing you with an extra layer of protection from anyone […]

Illegally Using a Handicap Placard in California

antelope valley bail bonds

It’s so frustrating to drive all around a parking lot and not find any empty places to put your car other than a handful of spaces that are reserved for handicapped parking. All of us are tempted to slide into one of those spaces, especially when we only need the spot for a short time, […]

Can I Get in Trouble for Having a Fake Gun in California?

palmdale bail bonds

When you walk into a toy store, you will find entire shelves full of imitation guns. Some don’t look even close to real, while others are surprisingly authentic looking. Looking at the authentic toys, it’s easy to wonder if you could get in trouble for having an imitation gun in California. The answer is both […]