Most people get married when they are adults and are more financially stable. However, there are some people who get married at a younger age, like when they are in college or in their mid-twenties. There are even people who choose to get married when they are in high school, or younger! As shocking as […]
Tag Archives: free warrant check
No one likes having to pay taxes. That is money we wish we could keep. We are told our taxes are put to good use, but who really knows exactly where all of our tax money is going? For example, did you know your tax money is being used to keep criminals fed, housed, and […]
Some of the hardest years of life are the teenage years, when a person has many influences surrounding them, both good and bad. This is a time when a person is trying to pass school and figure out what they want to do for a career. This is when they rebel, when they do not […]
When a person takes something from another without permission, it is called theft, robbery, or burglary. You think to yourself, “those three words all mean the same thing. They are synonyms for each other.” In the broad sense, this is true. However, each of these are distinct crimes under California law that are related, yet […]
It has been about 6 months since Californians voted to legalize marijuana. However, full legalization has yet to kick in. In fact, it will not fully kick in until 2018. With that said, not many people know the timeline and what has and has not changed yet, nor do they know what full legalization really […]
Now that summer is here, your weekends are filling up fast with parties at your place and your friends’ places. That means you need to have a pumped up playlist of the latest chart topping songs, a fridge full of alcohol, and the most down to earth friends. In addition to those party necessities, you […]
Compared to other states, California is pretty generous when it comes to alcohol. You can buy it at practically any grocery, liquor, and convenience store. You can even buy it at retailers like Target and Walmart. You can buy it at nearly any hour of the day, even on Sundays. Soon, last call could be […]
For anyone who is starting to plan their July 4 activities, do not forget the fireworks! It is always great watching the big fireworks show that is planned for the general public, but at some point you get tired of going early to find parking and snag a good spot. Besides, this year, your friend […]
Unless given permission by the owner, cops need a warrant in order to search a person’s home, belongings, vehicle, mail, etc. Now in the digital age, cops also need a warrant to search laptops, tablets, and cell phones. As our dependency on our cell phones continue to rise, so has a new question: do the […]
Although the 4th of July falls on a Tuesday this year rather than the weekend, do not rule out the people enjoying a little extra partying, and the police setting up a few extra DUI checkpoints. As always, there will be many celebrations over the weekend. Then some people will have to go to work […]