Category Archives: Antelope Valley Bail Bonds

Is it a Great Idea To Warm up Your Car When it’s Cold?

car idling laws in california

  When the weather grows colder, people begin to do everything that they can to avoid being cold for any length of time. They spend more time indoors, bundle up in extra layers before venturing outside, and even warm up their cars before getting into them. Many people view leaving a car idling as a […]

How to Get an Affordable Bail Bond

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  Needing to bail someone out of jail is not something a person ever really plans on doing. After all, no one wakes up in the morning hoping that someone they know will be arrested so that they can bail that person out of jail. Unfortunately, since thousands of people are arrested every single day […]

We Can Help You Deal with an Arrest

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  Bailing someone out of jail is rarely something that a person does voluntarily. After all, no one ever wakes up with the thought of bailing some random person out of jail. Usually, a person only decides to bail someone out of jail once they learn of a loved one’s arrest. Then they feel a […]

Is It Legal to Drive With an Animal on Your Lap?

driving with dog in lap california laws

  Pretty much every pet owner out there has a furry companion that they would do everything they can for. Some pet owners love their critters so much that they take them everywhere they go. This seems like a harmless and fun way for a person to spend time with their beloved companion, however it […]

Are You Aware of This California Driving Law?

Are You Aware of This California Driving Law?

  There are hundreds of different laws with varying amounts of consequences when it comes to driving. Every drivers is expected to know and understand all of these before they begin driving. This is why everyone has to pass a driving test when they are a teenager in order to get their license. The test […]

At What Age Can You Leave Kids in Alone in a Car?

At What Age Can You Leave Kids in Alone in a Car?

  N o one ever said that parenting was an easy job. Being a parent is arguably one of the hardest jobs out there. This is largely in part to the fact that children don’t come with instruction manuals. Most of the skills required to raise kids is learned through either trial and error or […]

Bring Your Loved One Home in Time for Thanksgiving

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  If people really took the time to ponder all that they have to be thankful for, they would realize that the list does not end. Everything and everyone, big or small, is something that a person can be grateful for. Maybe this year there is one that trumps all the others. It will have […]

What Happens if You’re Accused of Stalking in California

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Stalking accusations are taken very seriously in California. Every single person connected to the state’s judicial system understands that stalking often escalates into more serious crimes, which is why they will quickly launch an investigation when someone accuses you of stalking them. Whether you actually are stalking them or it’s an accusation that has been […]

What is Fleeing and Evading

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It’s likely that when you see the term, fleeing and evading, in a police write-up, you assume the person named in the report led the police in a high-speed and likely dangerous chase. While it’s possible that a high-speed chase was involved in the incident, it’s even more likely that the event took place surprisingly […]

The Long-Term Impact of a DUI

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It’s likely that you already know that the first time you’re convicted of a DUI in California, you will lose your driving privileges for a period of time, be required to pay some hefty fines and have to take some substance abuse classes. What you may not have considered is the long-term impact that a […]